Seeing through the fog of war
ExtremeScan is an international, non-commercial, non-governmental collaboration of independent researchers and scholars who are on a mission to provide unbiased insights into issues, views, and trends in the war-torn societies of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.
Elena Koneva
A high-level professional in the field of public opinion polling and market research with over 30 years in executive positions in the industry
February 2022 - until the mission is fulfilled
2016 - present time
2010 - 2016
1991 - 2010
1988 - 1994
ExtremeScan agency: founder and researcher
Business development director at DataTile
Managing Director at Ipsos Comcon
Founder and director of COMCON
Head of the Moscow branch of VCIOM, under the leadership of Tatyana Zaslavskaya, and Deputy of Director of VCIOM, Yuri Levada.
Organizing rapid opinion polls on critical issues. In the 1980s the methodology allowed to gather F2F representative surveys throughout the USSR in just 3 days, without internet and computers. It was a historical period in Russia when sociology worked for economic reforms and the democratization of society.

Politically & Industry Impactful Projects
Research of protest activity at the end of 80s.
Life of Soviet Germans.
Freedom protests in Lithuania in January 1991 followed the separation and independence of the country.
Coup in August 1991.
Creation of the first CATI call centre in Russia.
Moscow Mayor Elections in 2013 were Russia's first and last “fair” elections.
Study of public opinion in Russia since February 2022.
Study of the electoral behaviour of Russian residents from January to March 2024.
Moscow State University
Department - Psychology
Specialization - Political psychology
Academic work - “Structure of ethnopolitical stereotypes“